Today, A real-life incident.
A non-fruit-bearing Bradford Pear tree in our front yard split and fell in the wind overnight, Friday to Saturday. We discovered this trick on Hallowe'en morning.
My Erstwhile Tree
I never thought that I would see
The fracture of my lovely tree.
A tree that stood with rigid will
Against the side of my front hill.
A tree whose leaves were late to stay
Until a frozen winter day.
A tree whose slant was cause for dread,
Whose leafy arms were too wide spread.
But now whose shape is just half-round
As once high branches touch the ground.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But a mighty wind unmade my tree.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, Adam Simpson
3 hours ago
Hi Jazzbumpa,
As always, your pear tree poem is right on. My husband is the gardener around here and he has loudly, but less poetically, bemoaned the loss of a couple of camphor trees in a wind storm last winter.
Thanks for the visit, and the kind words.
JzB the poetic trombonist
When I was younger I used to think all trees lived forever...
Some actually have short life spans.
Lovely ode.
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