L. A. Times Crossword Puzzle
Wednesday, November 25, 2009 Gareth Bain
Yikes! I never imagined seeing that here. Or anywhere else, for that matter.
17A 360 degree artwork: CYCLORAMA. Never heard of it
26A Former resident of Lhasa's Potala Palace: DALAI LAMA Easy answer. Hard to spell. Had to rely on perps.
41A Wildly exciting in slang: RING-A-DING. OK, I guess - but not very common.
52 A Long Time Chinese Leader: MAO ZE DONG. Another easy answer, but a real spelling challenge.
And 43D Named for a car model, group who sang the 1961 hit formed by the end of 17-, 26-, 41-, and 52-Across: EDSELS. I went from Freshman to Sophomore in High School in 1961. I remember the song, almost, and the car, but not the group. The YouTube link says 1957-58, not 1961, and that sounds right to me.
Hi, gang - it's Jazzbumpa, your displaced OHIOAN trombonist. Let's dedicate today's puzzle to Buckeye and Crockett. Hope I didn't miss anyone.
Rather a fun puzzle. I had no clue on the theme until I got to 43 D.
Quite a few long fills and nice 5-stacks. I counted 36 black squares. Let's work it out.
1A Workout room: GYM. Dennis can give us the details.
4A Bit of hardware: SCREW. I think of it as a machine part, but hardware is OK, too. Other meanings are possible.
9A Suffix with sea: SCAPE. I wasn't sure what to expect here. Had to get perp help.
14A Extinct ostrich like bird: MOA. The MOA, the merrier. Too bad they're gone
15A Games authority: HOYLE. He wrote the book on many card games.
16A Give_________: care: A HOOT. I tried A DAMN first, thinking about Rhett and Scarlet. Then I got A____T from the perps, and was a bit concerned for a while.
19A Hardly the gregarious type: LONER. Thought of this guy. Wonder if he's in solitary confinement?
20 Buckeye: OHIOAN. Needs no explanation. But here, anyway. I have a semi-closely related horse chestnut tree in my backyard. I think Buckeyes were declared illegal in Michigan last Saturday. We had a great time at the game and tailgating, but the outcome was sure hard on the locals.
21A "Skip the sordid details." SPARE ME. Or a bowler requesting assistance on a 7-10, perhaps.
23A Like many Airports: Abbr.: INTL. Internal, like near the center of a continent. Oh, wait - maybe it's international.
24 A ________ FIRMA: TERRA. Well, what else could it be?
25A Well fluids: INKS. The stuff in the ink well. Nice, clever clue, it you're old enough to remember ink wells. Did anybody under about 50 have trouble with this?
30 A God of hawks: ARES. We think of him as the god of war, and therefore hawks = warmongers. But Wikipedia points out that ARES is the god of bloodlust and slaughter. Lovely.
31 A Gear part: COG. A single tooth, a cogwheel, or someone like Mongo, only pawn in game of life.
32 A Frank: WEENIE. I stumbled all over this one. Like Diogenes, I was looking for an honest man. Or at least some nice buns.
33A Fanzine, e.g. MAG Abbrv. fr. Mgzn. I gss.
34 Limerick's place: IRELAND. The Emerald Isle. Ye Olde Sod. Home of Guinness. Oddly, I have a limerick on my blog today. First one ever. Go figure
36A Old Prizm automaker: GEO. And 1D Canyon or Sierra: GMC. Correct, and correct. This time there can be no dispute.
37A Represent as Identical: EQUATE. Do you equate EQUATE with "make identical?" How about correspond, match, similar or analogous? Just askin . . .
39 A _______ And outs. INS. Are they talking about doorways, or something else?
40 A East Berlin's Cold War Counterpart: BONN The two capital cities.
43 A Guesses "true" when the answer is false: ERRS. Or drops the ball. It's only human.
44 A Pulizer winner Walker: ALICE. Won Pulizer Prize for "The Color Purple." I forgot.
46A Golfer who won the 1992 U.S. Open: TOM KITE. I couldn't tell you who won the 2009 U.S. Open.
49A Prescription measure: DOSE. It's just the right amount.
51 A Nebraska city: OMAHA Founded in 1854, the nations 42nd largest city.
55 A Boston Airport: LOGAN. It's just about surrounded by water.
56 A Throw out: EXPEL. Like, from school.
57 A Nitrogen based dye: AZO. Al? Dr. Dad?
58 A Pork Cuts: LOINS. Them's good eatin'!
59 A Essentials: NEEDS. If you need it, it's essential.
60 A Go one better. TOP. Lions over Browns. Crazy finish.
2 D Toy on a string: YOYO. Or a honker, dinger YOYO jamborie.
3 D Rapid fire weapon: MACHINE GUN. Rat-a-tat-tat.
4 D "Eats, ______, & Leaves" : Punctuation handbook: SHOOTS. Beware of koalas with MACHINE GUNS.
5 D Reef Stuff: CORAL And starfish fodder.
6 D "Saving Private ______" RYAN War really is hell.
7 D Common street name: ELM Formerly, a common tree. Now ash is in trouble, too.
8 D Cunning sort: WEASEL. Seems wrong. Should be "a sneaky, untrustworthy, or insincere person"
9 D Not paid hourly: SALARIED. Either way, it's take home pay.
10 D Bach Work: CHORALE Bah! I can't find a YouTube link to one actually being sung. We'll have to settle for this.
11 D Superior: A ONE. Or Minnesota's Lake.
12 D Keats work: POEM Better than a Yeats work, C.A.?
13 D Raison d'_________: Reason for being: ETRE. A bit strained, IMHO.
18 D Golf course: LINKS. Or breakfast before a round, perhaps.
22 D Shrimp like crustaceans: PRAWNS Anybody know the difference?
24 D "In space no one can hear you scream" for "Alien.": TAG LINE A memorable branding slogan used in advertising.
25 D Mosul resident: IRAQI
26 D Forest female: DOE. And the start of a genuinely horrible song. I won't link to it.
27 D Source of mohair: ANGORA GOAT Rather a handsome fellow
28 D Bearings: MIENS I wanted more machine parts, not demeanor.
29 D Near eternity: AEON When you need a bunch of vowels, you need a bunch of vowels!
30 D From the U.S.: AMER. Abbrv. in Cl. Abbrv. in Ans.
31 D Cash Alternative: CREDIT Use it if you have it.
34 D Neopolitans, e.g. ITALIANS Originating in Naples, or Napoli
35 D Director Lee: ANG Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Brokeback Mountain, etc.
38 D Shi'ite leader: AGA KHAN The hereditary title of the Imam of the Nizārī Muslims, I had no idea.
40 D Server's basketful: BREAD In a retaurant, or at the sermon on the mount, with fish.
42 D Bygone bringers of cold blocks: ICE MEN They were cool.
45 D Leaked Slowly: OOZED. The word sounds viscous and slimey.
46 D Turnpike fee: TOLL To pay for the snack, I suppose.
47 D Melville Novel: OMOO. Unknown outside of crosswords.
48 D "The gift of the___": MAGI Sad, ironic story of loving and giving, by O Henry.
49 D Info: DOPE I haven't heard it used this way in EAONS.
50 D Auto designer Ferrari: ENZO. Must have a picture.
53 D Stump creator: AXE Sharp clue.
54 D Red State Org.: GOP. Grand Old Party. The erstwhile party of Lincoln. 'Nuff said.
Cross posted at The Corner.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, Adam Simpson
2 hours ago
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