William Byrd was born around 1540, about 35 years after Thomas Tallis (1505-1585), and lived until 1623.
What a difference a few decades can make. This fantasy sounds much more modern than the Tallis hymns posted last week, and probably represents a transition from modal music, which was obsolete by about 1600. There are a few typical 16th century devices in the cadences and some of the bass line figures. But the theme sounds more 17th century to me, and some moments remind me of Bach. And - is it in C Major?
But why over analyze? This is pleasant and very well crafted music. Enjoy.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, Adam Simpson
2 hours ago
A pleasant, ancient sound--I think the key difference being polyphony (rather than harmony)--bass lines starting to move.
Some cool links--like to Scriabin preludes. Count Scriabin was a way trippy cat--. I'll spare you a lengthy analysis (though AS advanced harmony and rhythm at least as much as say Stravinsky or Debussy did)-- I contend Scriabin produced some of the most sublime music ever composed . Scriabin.... immanentized the Eschaton.
I checked a couple of Scriabin links this morning. Fine music, I agree.
Not sure if I've heard anything by him before.
Based on your last few words, conservatives must hate him, eh?
Hick American conservatives might, but Scriabin was no prole.--I think he studied at Moscow conservatory, and had some aristo. blood, living in his papa's mansion with lovely steinway, etc. A czar's composer--until the bolsheviks ended the par-tay.
What I meant was wing nuts, especially of the religious right variety get offended when anyone tries to immanentize the Eschaton.
On the other hand, all Ruskies are Commies.
It would be hard to offer up a more inane comment than this, but watching the colored bars go past indicating the notes hit (i assume) was sort of mesmerizing!
Nice selection of music. Yep, Scriabin made some wonderful music, but for someone as musically challenged as I am, it takes multiple multiple hearings to figure out what he's doing in the music. So many harmonic firsts there, as J indicated.
Lots of our best composers and writers led sheltered lives, but somehow managed to go out and explore the world and somehow that spurred them to write great things--even if it meant having to go back to the chateau to do it--or in some cases, abandon the family forever.
The Bolsheviks rained on so many parades.
Poet Anna Akhmatova's retelling of some events under Stalinism are some of the most touching words of that generation. I tried learning Russian just to read her original words and in three years never learned more than five words. There are good translations out there; sample a few if you're game. It's a little like comparing wines or scotches! Doesn't require three months to get her message, unlike novels of that era and the two dozen similarly-named people who inhabit their 500 pages!
November 9, 2009 1:12 AM
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