I just left this comment at CI, and am posting it here as a hedge against deletion.
As Spencer reported at Angry Bear:
"The unemployment rate ticked up from 7.8 to 7.9. But this may actually be a bullish development because it stemmed from a 578,000 jump in the labor force. A large increase in the labor force may mean that people are more optimistic about employment prospects and are rejoining the labor force."
Per Calculated Risk;
"This was another encouraging employment report. The 171,000 payroll jobs added in October, plus the 84,000 in upward revisions to the August and September reports, suggests decent job growth recently."
'Not all the news is good. U-6, an alternate measure of unemployment, only declined slightly to 14.6%. The average workweek was unchanged and average hourly earnings decreased slightly."
Employment/population ratio up slightly.
Number of part time worker for economic reasons declined.
Unemployed over 26 weeks declining sharply.
Not a stellar report, to be sure, but I don'tt see any good reason to emphasize the negative.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, Adam Simpson
2 hours ago
As of right now, your comment does not show up. It's not a good reason, but if your hoping that Obama loses on Tuesday....
Not a stellar report, to be sure, but I don'tt see any good reason to emphasize the negative.
I do. Here's a chart I made today to show why.
November 2, 2012
The Great Employment Buckling
That said, I'm not blaming Obama any more for it than I would blame the last straw on a camel's back though.
It's 11:15 pm EDT. I just checked and my comment is still awaiting moderation.
Maybe they go out for a beer on Friday.
Not a bad idea, actually.
the last straw on a camel's back though.
Well played, sir!
I see now it is posted.
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