We are a country not just divided, but fragmented along axes of race, age, religion, economic status and geography. There are now 15 States where citizens have filed petitions to secede from the Union. "These include Louisiana (which led the charge), the Republic of Texas, Kentucky, Colorado, New Jersey, Montana, North Dakota, Indiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Oregon." I don't know which is number 15, but I'm gong to guess Oklahoma.
I'm not going to get flip about it. While these petitions have virtually no chance of achieving anything, it's important to remember two things:
1) You never hear anything like this when Republicans win.
2) All but 4 of these states represent the (since 1965) solid Republican South.
Another geographic dimension is urban vs rural. When I do get flip, I say Obama won everywhere that people outnumber cattle, deer, goats or alligators. This comes distressingly close to being the truth. Look at the electoral map of just about any State. I like to consider Ohio, since it is my home State and in many ways represents the U.S. in miniature. But pick a State at random [or Texas in particular] and you'll probably see the same scenario. The Ohio electoral map shows that Obama carried 16 of Ohio's 88 counties. Half of these are strung along the Lake Erie shore, four more are contiguous in the densely populated north-east corner, and the other four contain Columbus, Dayton, Cincinnati and Athens.
I'm not ambitious enough to undertake the study, but I'll hypothesize that Obama's vote percentage in each county is directly proportional to the total population - and this in a State where the counties don't vary much in physical size. Consider that Lucas Co. [essentially my home town, Toledo] with 198,000 votes cast went for Obama by 64 to 34%, while Mercer Co. along the IN border with 21,000 votes cast went for Romney by 77 to 22%. You can find these kinds of results all over the country.
Another divide is along education level. Among the 15 States with the best public school systems, Obama carried 13, while among the 15 States with the worst public school systems, Romney carried 12. I see this as a big component in the recent Republican war on education. One thing you develop as a result of good education is a set of critical thinking skills, which then give you the ability to see through nonsense peddlers like Rush, Trump, and the whole Fox roster.
All of this tends to make me pessimistic about our nations future. But I see rays of hope amidst the great divide. Even in Georgia, which went 53 to 45% for Romney, you find Obama winning by huge margins in Atlanta, Macon, Augusta, Columbus, Savannah, and Albany.
Plus, another thing is happening that you have to see a country-wide county level electoral map to notice.
There is a blue streak that starts along the Mississippi river valley where Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi converge and runs almost continuously through Alabama, Georgia and the Carolinas to join with the blue States along the coast.
I call it the band of sanity running through the South, and it might just represent an opportunity for progressives to build on going forward.
Cross-posted at AB
Thursday, March 6, 2025, Adam Simpson
3 hours ago
Well, they tried it in 1861, and it didn't work out so well for them then. I got three words for anybody thinking of seceding:
William Tecumseh Sherman
This one's done been settled :).
- Badtux the Snarky History Penguin
Except this time I don't think we'd want to burn Atlanta.
that blue zone of the south is where all the plantations were.
our main divide is religion -- 26% of the electorate broke 78% for Romney.
this was a bigger relative turnout than 2004 (23% of the electorate went 78% for Bush)
(that 26% was white evangelicals -- 'you can fool some of the people all of the time')
The GOP with its core demographic the rural poorly educated is intellectually bankrupt.
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