It's a Mystery
Each Hallowed Day: what to be
When I show my face?
My face is below the fold.
This should be the best time of life, but . . . (instead, we are become flaming squid huggers)
Look: I am eager to learn stuff I don't know--which requires actively courting and posting smart disagreement.
But as you will understand, I don't like to post things that mischaracterize and are aimed to mislead.
-- Brad Delong
A trombone a day keeps the jug away. |
“The Democratic Party is the architect of modern-day racism.”
Since no one else has responded to Servius, I’ll say that >60% of Americans want a single payer system, up from about 35% in the spring. The more people learn and understand about it the more they realize it is that way to go.
It is a profoundly naive act of faith to believe that a free market can provide a service effectively when the profitability of the provider is based on denying service. Could that be any more plain?
Why didn’t your head explode when Reagan blew up the national debt, then Bush II made him look like Scrooge?
Nice selective reasoning there, Serv.
JzB whose mother was in constant pain before Medicare replaced her hip.
I'm as committed to problematizing exclusivist metanarratives and delegitimating monologic desire as the next gink.
Most of the people who claim that the universe was really created in six days, and that Eve was really fashioned from Adam's rib, are still able to recognize suggestions like "go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor" as confoundingly polyvalent metaphors.
The single largest defect of modern conservatism, in my mind, is its insufficient ability to challenge liberalism at the intellectual level, in particular over the meaning and nature of progress. In response to the left's belief in political solutions for everything, the right must do better than merely invoking "markets" and "liberty."
The brain waves of the American right continue to be erratic, when they are not flat-lining.