With Home equity losses of over 6 trillion dollars from 2006 through 2008, Right-wingers are trying to blame the current recession on Obama.
The guy who took office in 2009.
Yeah, I get it. Not funny.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, Adam Simpson
3 hours ago
Hey dumb person...the economy has tanked since 2006 - after the liberals had control of the House and Senate. It has worsened since BO was elected.
You really do not have a clue do you?
Hey, Anon. Thanks for stopping by. Maybe in the future you'll be kind, or perhaps brave enough to identify yourself.
I'm not sure what you consider to be the economy. If you're talking about housing -- well if you followed the link, you'd see it was already tanking by early '06. The stock market, following its own rhythm, peaked in late '07.
So events that either precede or follow the '06 mid-term election by about are year are attributable to that election. I think I'm getting a clue.
Why not check the Wikipedia page on Magical Thinking. You might run into Grover Norquist.
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