Following Beale's lead I took the survey.
My prefered candidate, as it turns out, is Jill Stein of the Green Party. Oh, well, I'm still going to vote for the foreign-born Commie Muslim Nazi Neegra. He's not that far off.
Here is how I align with the various candidates.
Jill Stein, Green 90%
B. Obama, Dem 87%
Rocky Anderson, Justice 64%
Mitt Romney, Rethug 8%
Michigan Voters 63%
American Voters 64%
Like Beale, I have to wonder how Romney's positions have been defined, since he is a schizophrenic chameleon drawn on an Etch-a-sketch by a three-year-old desperately in need of a nap.
If their assessment of American voters is anywhere near correct, then Romney can keep his position among the unemployed.
Party Affiliation
Democrat 95%
Green 92%
Libertarian 18%
Repugnicant 5%
I'm 18% Libertarian. Actually, that seems about right.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, Adam Simpson
2 hours ago
1 comment:
I am 98% Democrat and 0% republican but Obama is only in fourth place at 76%, but I am still voting for him because he is the only one of my top four candidates with a chance to win.
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