Look: I am eager to learn stuff I don't know--which requires actively courting and posting smart disagreement.

But as you will understand, I don't like to post things that mischaracterize and are aimed to mislead.

-- Brad Delong

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Everything that appears on this blog is the copyrighted property of somebody. Often, but not always, that somebody is me. For things that are not mine, I either have obtained permission, or claim fair use. Feel free to quote me, but attribute, please. My photos and poetry are dear to my heart, and may not be used without permission. Ditto, my other intellectual property, such as charts and graphs. I'm probably willing to share. Let's talk. Violators will be damned for all eternity to the circle of hell populated by Rosanne Barr, Mrs Miller [look her up], and trombonists who are unable play in tune. You cannot possibly imagine the agony. If you have a question, email me: jazzbumpa@gmail.com. I'll answer when I feel like it. Cheers!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Are Consevatives Really This Stupid?

Or do they just think we are?

Here's Delong, exploding Alex Tabarrok and Steven Landsburg.

It is simply not true that "Robert Kendrick cannot be taxed." Not true at all. No, no, no, no, no.

To save you a few tedious click-throughs and the ignominy of adding to Tabarrok's and Landsburg's  hit counts (I did it for you, god forgive me) here is the source document, an article in The Bay Citizen, by Elizabeth Lesly Stevens.

Notable Quote:

Yet public policy in recent years has all but conspired to allow ever greater amounts of wealth to be accumulated by a few without much benefit to the commonweal. Call me unkind for singling out Kendrick. But the great policy debates under way in Washington and Sacramento ultimately get personal: Do we take money from the pockets of the rich — heirs and magnates alike — or do we continue to dismantle everything from Head Start to the state parks system to California’s once-fabled public universities?
Yet public policy in recent years has all but conspired to allow ever greater amounts of wealth to be accumulated by a few without much benefit to the commonweal. Call me unkind for singling out Kendrick. But the great policy debates under way in Washington and Sacramento ultimately get personal: Do we take money from the pockets of the rich — heirs and magnates alike — or do we continue to dismantle everything from Head Start to the state parks system to California’s once-fabled public universities?

Clearly MS Stevens is a socialist.

But - and I mean this with the utmost sincerity - are conservatives EVER right about ANYTHING?

Yet public policy in recent years has all but conspired to allow ever greater amounts of wealth to be accumulated by a few without much benefit to the commonweal. Call me unkind for singling out Kendrick. But the great policy debates under way in Washington and Sacramento ultimately get personal: Do we take money from the pockets of the rich — heirs and magnates alike — or do we continue to dismantle everything from Head Start to the state parks system to California’s once-fabled public universities?
Yet public policy in recent years has all but conspired to allow ever greater amounts of wealth to be accumulated by a few without much benefit to the commonweal. Call me unkind for singling out Kendrick. But the great policy debates under way in Washington and Sacramento ultimately get personal: Do we take money from the pockets of the rich — heirs and magnates alike — or do we continue to dismantle everything from Head Start to the state parks system to California’s once-fabled public universities?


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

It might be easier to answer your question, "Are conservatives ever right about anything?" by beginning with who/where are the "conservatives"? Nothing they do these days is conservative, nor are they right anymore. And, yes, I do think they think we're this stupid. Look at Fox News' following ... some of us really ARE that stupid. PS This is Janja. Having issues signing in and using that name here, Bumpa. Peace!

Jazzbumpa said...

Janja -

Thanks for stopping by. Please visit again. You make some good points.
