Here it is from the Guardian - 994 mass shootings in 1004 days.
This includes all incidents in which 4 or more people were shot, irrespective of whether there were any fatalities.
The link.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, Adam Simpson
2 hours ago
Essentially one mass shooting per day. Now there's American exceptionalism at work at its fullest. You would thing we were in the midst of a civil war. Perhaps we are!
Who was it that said America is in love with violence?
Jim Morrison?
It doesn't really matter who said it first does it?
From the beacon of light (shining brightly up on the hill) to the world, we've become the beacon to death.
Yup to both of you and have grown weary of this and other on going negatives that happen on a daily basis. We have become more than exceptional in negative that were not present that many years ago.
Totally sick of it. Makes no difference what any of us think because little is gonna change for the better.
And then there is the other level of shootings that are accidental.
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